Mission Statement:

Elevating Therapy is dedicated to providing accessible, compassionate, and specialized mental health services to military personnel, first responders, and their families. We aim to support their unique challenges and sacrifices and to empower them to overcome the invisible wounds of service.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to create a network of support and resources that honors the bravery and dedication of our nation's heroes. We envision a future where military and first responder families can thrive, free from the burdens of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.


We believe that those who serve our country and communities deserve our gratitude and support.

We are committed to providing culturally competent care that acknowledges the unique experiences and challenges of military and first responder families.

We prioritize confidentiality, trust, and discretion in our services, recognizing the sensitive nature of our clients' work and personal lives.

We are dedicated to delivering evidence-based therapies and innovative approaches that address the complex needs of our clients.


To provide affordable, accessible mental health services to military personnel, first responders, and their families.

To reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health support within these communities.

To educate and raise awareness about the mental health challenges faced by military and first responder families.

To collaborate with other organizations and agencies to ensure a comprehensive network of support for our clients.

Your Donation Makes a Difference:

Your donation provides a free therapy session for a veteran or first responder struggling with PTSD

Supports a family therapy session, helping to strengthen relationships and build resilience

Enables us to provide a month of online therapy services to a remote or underserved community

Sponsors a mental health workshop or support group, connecting our heroes with critical resources and support

Why Your Support Matters:

1 in 5 veterans and first responders experience PTSD, anxiety, or depression

Many struggle to access mental health care due to barriers such as cost, stigma, and lack of resources

Your donation helps us bridge the gap, providing critical support and services to those who need it most

How Your Donation Will Be Used:

80% of donations support direct services, including therapy sessions, support groups, and workshops

15% supports program development and outreach, helping us reach more heroes in need

5% covers administrative costs, ensuring we can continue to operate efficiently and effectively

Make a Difference Today:

Donate online using the secure link below

Thank You for Your Support:

Your generosity is crucial to our mission, and we are grateful for your trust in our organization. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our nation's heroes.